5 Tips on How To Clean A Mattress

5 Tips on How To Clean A Mattress

We owe a lot to our mattresses. They give us a place to sleep at night, a cozy place to watch our favorite shows and read our favorite books. They even give our furry friends a place to curl up with us at night. But most importantly, they support us through all of life’s messes. So it makes sense to give that same love back to our mattresses by learning how to clean a mattress properly. 

How To Clean A Mattress 

Now, considering we can't just stick our mattresses in the washing machine, we must learn how to clean a mattress. 

To begin, you should know there are some dos and don'ts when it comes to cleaning a mattress. Let’s break them down now! 


  • Use a quality mattress protector 
  • Follow the manufacturer’s instructions
  • Speed up the drying process 
  • Flip and turn it seasonally 


  • Get it soaking wet
  • Use any type of dry-cleaning solutions
  • Do it yourself if it’s really bad (i.e., damaged in a flood) 
  • Put your mattress in the washing machine (hopefully, this one is obvious!)

How To Clean A Mattress: 5 Tips 

Inevitably, we will all spill, drop, or witness an accident on our beloved mattresses. Sometimes, right after we get them. Knowing how to clean and care for our mattresses is essential, especially since we invest so much in them! 

1. Use a Vacuum

For more general cleaning and tidying up, a vacuum will do wonders for your mattress. If you're wondering why you should use a vacuum to clean a mattress, vacuums can help remove dust and dead skin cells that accumulate on your mattress. Begin by removing all the sheets, mattress covers, and toppers, then vacuum from top to bottom. Be sure to cover all the spots. 

2. Spot Treat

Generally speaking, the type of stain will dictate how best to clean your mattress. Food and drink stains like red wine and coffee are often easy to remove. On the other hand, protein-based stains like sweat, urine, and blood are a little tougher to remove because, typically, they have been there longer. 

 Here are a couple of ways to clean a mattress with spot-treating:

  • Start by combining hydrogen peroxide, dish soap, and baking soda into a spray bottle. Next, thoroughly saturate the stain with the cleaning mixture, then blot it with a clean rag. 
  • Use a non-toxic, natural enzyme cleaner that chemically breaks down stains and odors.
  • Combine lemon juice and salt to make a paste. Apply the mixture to the stain, and let it stand for 30–60 minutes. Lastly, wipe off the mixture with a clean towel.

It’s important to try cleaning mattress stains as quickly as possible, especially protein-based stains. This is because fluids seep into your mattress's fabric, making it much harder to remove later. 

3. Use Baking Soda to Neutralize Smells 

It is not uncommon for mattresses to develop an unpleasant odor. Unfortunately, mattresses accumulate stains, oil, dust, and dirt over time, resulting in those unpleasant smells. 

The best way to neutralize the odor is by using baking soda. After removing all the sheets, mattress covers, and toppers, sprinkle baking soda directly on top of the mattress. Then, use a generous coating, lightly rub the baking soda into the fabric and allow it to sit for at least 10 minutes. Once the baking soda has sat for a while, vacuum it up.

4. Air Your Mattress Outside

Sometimes, the best way to clean a mattress can be found right outside. UV sunlight is a great way to kill bacteria inside a mattress. Of course, most folks won't be able to drag their mattresses outside, but opening some curtains and windows inside your bedroom to air it out and let sunlight in will help. Plus, fresh air never hurts.

5. Cover & Protect It

The easiest way to clean a mattress is to protect it in the first place. If you invest in a quality mattress protector, your mattress will be protected from dirt buildup and will stay cleaner from the day you bring it home. Mattress protectors are an easy and affordable way to extend the life of your mattress since they prevent dust, skin cells, and other stains from collecting on it.
However, sometimes things are just beyond repair. In this case, you'll have to find a new mattress that suits all your needs. The good news is that we designed our free mattress quiz to help ease the mattress-buying process and ensure you get everything you're looking for.
