Stress and Poor Sleep

Stress and Poor Sleep

Take a look at the key ways in which stress can affect our sleep - as well as a few tips and tricks for beating stress and getting the rest that you deserve.

Anxious Thoughts

One of the main side effects of stress is the inability to switch off our minds in the moments before we fall to sleep. General anxiety and worry can cause thoughts to entangle in our brains, causing our sleepless nights. The more we can't sleep, the more we worry about not sleeping!


A great way for combatting anxious thoughts is to write down everything you are worrying about before bed and either solve the worries there, or plan how you are going to combat them the next day. Having a plan in place helps you to diminish the worries from your mind.

Inability to Relax

Stress can come with many side effects, including the inability or desire to relax during stressful moments. People suffering with acute stress tend to feel guilty when they stop doing the activity they have been worrying about, leading to tiredness and fatigue.


Practice self care. Taking just thirty minutes to an hour each day to enjoy self care can really help to stop the feelings of guilt that accompany. Whether it's having a bath, heading out on a walk or working out, taking time to relax can ultimately help you to sleep more.

Build up of Emotions

Stress can definitely consume people - especially when they are unable to open up and talk about the issue more. Inability to do so usually leads to feelings of isolation and can make falling asleep at night a tricky affair.


The best way to avoid this is to open up a discussion with friends and family.
Head out for a walk with a person close to you and chat about what has been bothering you. Opening up about the issue can take a lot of pressure off your mind and usually means that you'll be less anxious at night and more likely to fall asleep.


