Taking care of your body during the winter months

Taking care of your body during the winter months

Winter will soon be upon us, complete with the coughs, sniffles, dry skin and dark nights.
In a bid to stop the effects of winter consuming your body, health and mind, look at these tips on how to stay healthy and happy during the colder months.

Get plenty of light

A lack of light in the winter can cause us to experience lethargy and tiredness. Combat this by taking walks on bright winter days and bringing more light into your home.

Stay hydrated

You may carry a water bottle always in the summer, but unbeknownst to many, hydration is just as important in the colder months. Remember, it doesn’t have to be water, grabbing a hot chocolate whilst out with friends or having a hot soup for lunch can not only warm you from the inside, but hydrate you as well!

Get the flu shot

Health organizations tend to offer a flu shot around the winter months. Grabbing one is quick, easy and accessible- and will also mean that you have less chance of falling ill with the flu this cold season.

Go on walks

Walks out in the open air during the daytime can be a great way to fight Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), an emotion experienced by millions each year. Fight it with a boost of fresh air, sunlight, serotonin and oxygen.

Stick to a consistent sleep routine

Early sunsets and dark mornings can mean that you sleep routine flies out the window during the winter months. Sticking to a firm sleep schedule and maintaining a calming night routine will help you to get the sleep you need to get up and moving in the morning.

Stock up on that vitamin C and stay hydrated

Vitamin C is an incredible anti-oxidant that can prevent against a variety of coughs and sniffles, and something you need in large quantities during the winter months. Starting your day with a glass of fresh orange juice, chewing on a vitamin C tablet or even grabbing some hot lemon and water can boost your immunity and really set you up for the winter day.


