World Sleep Habits

World Sleep Habits

Sleep habits can vary massively all around the world, with factors such as climate, culture and working hours all playing a major role in how much shut-eye a country gets.


With an increase in working hours throughout China, the difference between home and working space are becoming blurred, with more and more factories and offices encouraging their workers to take quick power naps on the job.

Some offices have even installed temporary sleeping areas and washrooms to be used during working hours!


When it comes to sleeping habits, Japan has adopted a practice called Inemuri, which essentially stands for 'sleeping on the job' or 'being present whilst asleep'.

It's socially acceptable for people to nap in public in Japan, whether that's on trains, in the office or on the steps of shopping centers. It's actually encouraged and is a sign of hard work.


Spain are pretty well known for their famous 'fiesta' culture, with the majority of Spanish people opting for an afternoon snooze. Afternoon naps are encouraged in Spain, with people napping in the afternoon before heading back to work.

Many Spanish people eat their evening meal late and tend to head out for drinking around 11pm.


Sleeping outdoors, especially for young children, is believed to be good for a child's health in Norway, and is generally encouraged. Children can sometimes nap in temperatures as low as -5 degrees C!


Sleeping on schedule of their own. In Botswana, tribes living in the African countryside are pretty much for known for sleeping whenever they like, whether it's night or day.

This 'flex' approach to sleep means that they can rotate sleep patterns with ease and always have someone on guard outside their camp on the look out for predators!


