Memory foam does not include fiberglass as an ingredient. But memory foam products may use fiberglass, especially memory foam mattresses.
Not all memory foam mattresses contain fiberglass, however, and it’s better to avoid the ones that do because fiberglass particles can be hazardous to your health.
What is Fiberglass?
Fiberglass, or glass fiber, is a special type of composite material made of tiny glass particles. These glass particles, or filaments, are combined with a resin matrix like epoxy, vinyl, or polyester to make hardshell products, insulation, fabric, and more.
Fiberglass is a highly versatile material that is used in just about every industry imaginable, from construction to aerospace to maritime to automotive and even sporting equipment. You can make practically anything out of fiberglass.
Why Some Memory Foam Mattresses Contain Fiberglass
Since fiberglass is used as a construction material, you might be wondering why it could appear in your new memory foam mattress. The only reason any mattress contains fiberglass is fire protection. Fiberglass is among the most affordable fire retardants available, so companies often use it to cut manufacturing costs.
The Kind of Fiberglass in Mattresses
The kind of fiberglass that goes into mattresses to protect them from flame is called glass cloth. Glass cloth is made from strands of glass fibers woven together into a fabric that is flexible, durable, and strong.
Glass cloth is safer in comparison to harsh chemicals that can permeate through the mattress cover. It is also incombustible because it melts when exposed to heat rather than bursting into flame.
Why Do Mattresses Need Fire Protection?

All mattress foam is flammable, and synthetic memory foam is particularly combustible. This means the memory foam in your mattress could go up in smoke if exposed to heat from things like space heaters or electrical shorts near your bed.
Thus, all mattresses must comply with fire safety standards in order to be legally sold in most countries – not to mention to be safe for consumers to sleep on!
Do All Memory Foam Mattresses Contain Fiberglass
Not all memory foam mattresses contain fiberglass. Fiberglass is usually found in mattresses marketed as “affordable” or “low-budget.” Higher-quality mattresses usually contain alternative fire protection measures that don’t carry the risks of fiberglass.

Fiberglass-Free Mattress Options
There are plenty of high-quality fiberglass-free mattresses to choose from. Among the best are:
MLILY Harmony Chill 3.0
We pulled out all the stops to make the Harmony Chill 3.0 one of the coolest plush mattresses around. It features phase-changing material (PCM) to pull body heat away from you and egg-crate flex comfort foam to ramp up airflow.
MLILY WellFlex 2.0
One of our most popular mattresses, the medium-feel WellFlex 2.0 boasts multiple cooling features like ultra-breathable AeroFusionTM foam and gel memory foam.
Both of these – and all MLILY – mattresses are completely free from fiberglass. Instead, they feature inner covers made of fiberglass-free flame-resistant (FR) material to offer fire protection without compromise.
Alternatives to Fiberglass in Memory Foam Mattresses
You don’t have to purchase a mattress containing fiberglass. There are plenty of other ways to make a mattress flame-resistant without including this potentially irritating material, including:
Silica Socks
Silica is a synthetic fiber that prevents fire by starving it of oxygen. It also does not carry the risks of fiberglass, but it is still more affordable than some other glass fiber alternatives.
Natural Fabric
Natural fabrics like bamboo rayon or viscose can be woven in specific ways that make them as fire-resistant as fiberglass. They’re the perfect choice for those who want a vegan mattress.
Wool Fibers
Wool is an amazing alternative to fiberglass inside your mattress. Natural wool fibers don’t easily combust, even when exposed to high temperatures – and they add pressure relief and comfort to your mattress to boot!
Is it Safe for a Mattress to Have Fiberglass?
While fiberglass is safer than harsh chemicals that may contain carcinogens, it is still not the safest material on the market. Normally, the glass cloth fire barrier inside your mattress will be woven into the cover so that it can never contact you.
However, glass particles can break free of glass cloth over time. So if the mattress cover is damaged or the glass particles work their way through it, you may experience fiberglass exposure.
Risks of Fiberglass Exposure

Skin Problems
If the tiny glass particles inside your mattress come into contact with your skin, they can cause microscopic abrasions that lead to rashes and other skin irritation.
Breathing Problems
Breathing in glass particles from fiberglass can irritate your airways, causing a sore throat and even allergy-like symptoms.
Eye Problems
Getting fiberglass shards in your eyes can cause eye irritation, including redness, excessive tear production, and blurred vision.
How to Know If You’re Looking at a Mattress with Fiberglass
There are a few ways to know if you’re considering a mattress made with fiberglass. Fiberglass can come in any type of mattress, so you’ll need to look regardless of whether you’re considering a memory foam mattress or some other mattress type.
Manufacturer-Provided Information
Mattress manufacturers are legally required to list ingredients inside the mattress. This list is usually found on the mattress’s “law label” but may come inside the box or be found online.
Dodgy or Deceptive Labels
Sometimes, mattress companies try to evade laws requiring them to list ingredients by obfuscating the presence of fiberglass. They may use words like “glass wool,” “glass fibers,” and the like.
Instructions to Avoid Removing the Cover
If the new mattress you’re considering prohibits removing the cover, it’s a good bet you’re looking at a fiberglass mattress.
Online Information
Check out reviews and other information about your mattress online. If it contains fiberglass, professional mattress reviewers will likely mention that.
Cheap Prices
Though this is not always the case, mattresses that are “too affordable to be true” have likely cut corners when it comes to quality. This may include the use of fiberglass.
How to Deal with Fiberglass in Your Mattress
If you already have a mattress containing fiberglass, and you cannot replace it, there are a few things you can do to safely sleep on it:
- Consider an air purifier to eliminate glass particles from the air.
- Vacuum your mattress or use a lint roller to remove glass particles from the cover.
- Use an impermeable mattress protector to prevent future glass fiber leakage
- Wash bedsheets to remove glass particles from them.
If you are having symptoms of fiberglass exposure – such as skin, airway, or eye irritation – seek medical attention, as well.
How to Choose a Mattress without Fiberglass
If you’re looking for a mattress that’s free from fiberglass, don’t select the cheapest one. It likely contains this cost-cutting material. Also, pick mattresses made in the USA, as they’re less likely to use glass fiber.
Read all the labels affixed to the mattress, and avoid ones that have words like “glass wool” or “glass fiber.” And do research online to get information about the mattress from sources besides the seller.
Also, pay attention to what the manufacturer says. Most manufacturers that use superior fire-resistant materials will not be hesitant to boast about it in the mattress description.
The material used to prevent mattress fires can have a big impact on the quality and safety of the mattress. For the best night’s sleep, choose a mattress without fiberglass!